Our goal is the day when African women and girls will live in dignity, be healthy, have choices, and have equal rights without having to worry about violence.
Enabling disadvantaged groups and individuals, particularly African and Caribbean women, children and families, to participate more fully in society
To address both immediate needs and long term empowerment goals
Tackle female genital mutilation and violence against women and girls
Challenge racial and gender inequality by empowering women and girls
Provide community information and enhance participation and engagement
Support individuals into education and employment
Improve health and wellbeing
02Core values
Integrity – We follow robust processes to check the credibility of our sources and ensure that our stories and news updates are factual and our people are treated with dignity and respect
Justice – We seek equity and fairness for all, giving a voice for the voiceless
Service – We serve to be an enabler for social cohesion and improvement of lives, devoting our resources to meeting the needs of the people we work with
Transparency – We open our processes to stand up to scrutiny
Services highly accessible to our communities because of the language, culture and history Nistawi shares with them
High level of specialised expertise particularly FGM and health issues
Women and girls are at the center of Nistawi’s work, and we are passionate about addressing gender injustice.
Our committed local employees are helping women and girls assert their rights, stop and address violence, and assist lift their communities out of poverty in the nations where we operate.
Our programs are purposefully designed with women and girls in mind, and they participate in important decision-making processes. In their families, communities, and on the national and worldwide scene, we empower women and girls to be leaders and changemakers.
Our experience has demonstrated that the best approach to transform everyone’s life is to assist women and girls in asserting their rights and guiding their communities out of poverty.